Your Stay


Our reputation is for high quality, supportive care – we want all mothers to feel respected, supported and empowered at all times – from preparation for birth and parenting classes, delivery of your baby and the first wonderful days with your new baby, through to planning your discharge and follow-up phone calls.

The VJB Hospital's Obstetricians are amongst experienced and most respected Doctors,who have all undergone a rigorous training.

Our integrated collaborative team of Obstetricians, experienced and nursing staff, lactation experts, maternity social workers and discharge planners all work together with a focus on complete care and supporting our new parents and their babies. The outstanding facilities and uniquely compassionate atmosphere of the VJB Hospital are a testament to all those associated with the long-standing traditions of excellence in medical and maternity care.

Rights & Responsibilities


  • To be treated with courtesy, and have your ethnic, cultural and religious beliefs respected.

  • To be informed about facilities and services, costs, medications used, methods of treatment and referral to other services.

  • To confidentiality of personal information.

  • To involvement in decisions about your care.

  • To staff who identify themselves to you.

  • To an explanation of treatment and its risks before giving consent.

  • To advice on seeking a second medical opinion.

  • To advice on care after discharge.

  • To discharge yourself at any time even against the advice of your doctor or hospital staff.

  • However, you must accept the associated risks and sign a form taking responsibility before you leave the hospital.


  • To answer questions about your health honestly and to comply with prescribed treatment.

  • To tell staff about any regular medication you are taking.

  • To make sure you understand what is said to you.

  • To abide by the hospital’s non-smoking policy.

  • To advise staff if visitors are worrying you.

  • To show consideration for other patients.

  • To treat your health care workers with respect and courtesy regardless of their cultural and ethnic background.

  • To check your level of cover with your health fund prior to admission.


Obstertric & Gynaecology

Emergency 24x7

Sick New Born Care Unit 24x7

Pathology 24x7

Radiology (X-Ray,Ultrasound)

Ambulance Services 24x7

Out Patient Department (OPD)

Immunization Services

Abortion Services


Dietary Services

Mechanized Laundry



08:00 A.M. to 2:00 P.M.

Visiting Hours


06:30 A.M. to 07:30 A.M.


01:00 P.M. to 02:00 P.M.


04:00 P.M. to 05:30 P.M.
